Is this the future of forex intraday trading?

The products released from the LIT Trading smith in the past have been an exceptional success and proven multiple times by the founders of LIT Trading Reimfx, Saqbar, and Stockcy. Their educational products like the LIT Awakening and the LIT 8 Chapter Adventure generated their community tens of thousands of winning trades by introducing them to their unique Intraday Mastery trading approaches.

In addition to this, what they unleashed now with the LIT Trading Oracle, truthfully blows the fish out of the water and sets the bar to completely new heights. 

The LIT founders and their team of expert programmers created and developed a tool, which many thought would never be possible. A fully automated Alert and Price Action Projection model based on their liquidity inducement market analysis. 

After already revolutionising the intraday trading educational space by introducing new ways of approaching technical intraday analysis and their intraday mastery style, LIT still has not had enough and looked for even more record-breaking inventions – the result is the fully automated LIT Trading Oracle Price Projection Algorithm. 

Based on their decade long trading experience and their 3 years of experience in the trading educational sector, the LIT founders knew exactly what an intraday trader desires and needs. They created a tool that is easy to use, keeps things simple, maximises the intraday efficiency, saves the average intraday trader hours of time daily, and most importantly, enhances the consistency and confidence of intraday traders. 

The proposed solution is the full automated alert system which transforms a Discord Channel into a source of intraday alerts which currently covers 9 different forex pairs and a variation of 3 types of trading Setups in combination with dynamic chart projections: the LIT Trading Oracle. 

In the forex industry, there are barely any reliable indicators, signals or other tools that provide a day trader with daily recurring quality trading opportunities to achieve consistent profitability. 

Most traders dream about having a fully automated system that analyses the market for them, and whenever a potential perfect trading opportunity appears, alerts them instantly about it and also additionally provides them with a visual chart projection for the potential outcome and orientation. 

That dream has come true with the LIT Trading Oracle.

Based on a Liquidity Inducement algorithm created by the LIT founders Reimfx, Saqbar, Stockcy and their team of professional programmers, the forex intraday trading industry is facing an entire revolutionary approach. 

The new era of intraday trading has begun. Are you part of it already, or are you lingering behind?

You can learn more about the LIT Trading Oracle at

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